Final Certifications

Today I finally got my self-addressed fat envelope back from Chicago!! It took 5 months to get the final stamps of approval on my marriage licence and certificate. That’s a long time, but I’m happy it’s done! (I thought for sure my documents were goners by now, and was about to replace them…)

Now, back to the Toronto consulate to get this citizenship ball rolling!

I’ve never been happier to see my own crappy handwriting

4 thoughts on “Final Certifications

  1. Hi there! I found your blog through a reddit post you had made – I qualify for Italian citizenship through my great-grandfather and this is very helpful! I’m from the US, but I would love to pick your brain on the topic!


    1. Awesome! Sure, I would love to help you out if I can! Feel free to send me a reddit message if you still have my username handy; otherwise I can email you.


    1. Hi, thanks for the comment! I kind of slacked off for awhile (a long while…I’ll explain in a new post), but today I finally submitted the very last of my paperwork!! They said everything looks in order, and they’ll contact me in the future, probably a year from now.

      Good luck to you!! If you don’t mind sharing, which consulate are you going through? Also I’d be happy to answer any specific questions.


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